
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Train Ride

I commute back and forth to work every day on the Long Island Railroad. People dis and make fun of the railroad but, in general, I feel tremendous hakoras hatov. It's true that there are ocassional delays and breakdowns (and that the new trains they ordered had to have been designed by people even shorter than I) but, by and large the service is reliable and comfortable.

In addition, the LIRR gives me an hour and a half of menucha every day where I am generally not bothered by phone calls, emails or conversation (blackberry and cell phone notwithstanding).

On my way in, I always choose the window seat on a three seat bench. All I ask from the morning train ride is to be left alone so that I can read my newspaper or sefer. This is also the time that I try in my feeble way to get a little daily dose of hisbonenus. (Which is also one of the reasons I like to ride my bicycle).

On the way home, depending the train I catch, I am lucky to even get a seat, at least until I switch trains at the halfway point. Still, even standing, I get to read and think.

My biggest fear each day is that someone will approach me and start shmoozing. I try to be polite but I also try to make it clear that this is my 'alone time'. (For many years, I actually shared a bench with a friend on the morning commute. We were on the same wavelength and other than greetings, in all those years I don't think we spoke more than ten minutes total!).

On the other hand, many of my acquaintances sit together in five seaters (a 3-seater and a 2-seater that face each other) and shmooze EVERY SINGLE DAY! I have to admit, I don't get it. Just from a mental health point of view (to say nothing of the unlimited potential for engaging in lashon hara) I would sooner jump off the moving train.


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