
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Shul Schnorers

An issue that I have been thinking about for some time is what is the appropriate way to deal with the endless stream ofcollectors who come around to shuls? The issue came up specifically the other day when one of the collectors who comes to my shul every week reeked of cigarette smoke. It bothered me that I was giving tzeddakah to a guy who was then blowing at least part of the money on cigarettes at some ridiculous amount per pack. Then, when I thought about it some more, it bothered me that I was thinking that way.

I think that shul collectors can be divided into three groups.

Chassidim, Russians and collectors from kollelim, usually from Eretz Yisrael.

A little more background. The collectors in the first two categories usually come in waves. The Chassidim usually in groups of two or three and the Russians in groups of four or five. The Chassidim hire car services and make the rounds of the shuls. The Russians also hire car services and either make the rounds or station themselves in a particular shul. (In my neighborhood, the YI of Woodmere is very popular because hundreds of men pass through each morning). The third group are more ad hoc.

Many shuls, but not mine, do not permit the collectors to enter the sanctuary. In those shuls, the collectors block your exit and hit you up on your way out. It is very annoying when collectors shnor during davening. While the Chassidim generally know when it is not appropriate to collect (like during kedushah) the Russians don't.

I have always given to the Chassidim because I was brought up to give tzeddakah to anyone who asks. I don't know whether they are con men or legitimate and I never really gave it much thought (until the smoking incident). Same with the collectors from Israel. The group that I find the most troublesome is the Russians. Although they put on yarmulkahs and learn a few words of Yiddish, they are not frum (some have suggested that some of them are not even Jewish). I think it is clear that these guys are con men and that this is their 'job'. Going against my grain, I do not give money to the Russians.

I think my initial reaction regarding the smoking was also wrong. It is not for me to judge. If I were in a situation where I had to collect, I might be a smoker too.

As far as the Russians, I don't think we should be encouraging them by giving them money.

Many community Rabbanim are also very against the idea of giving any of these collectors anything with the exception of collectors from yeshivas or other organizations who get a certificate from the Rabbi that they are legitimate.


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