
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Kehilas Ishei Yisrael: Like A Phoenix Rising From The Ashes

This Shabbos, in Kew Gardens Hills, a new/old minyan, Kehilas Ishei Yisrael, will celebrate its first Shabbos in its new home.

This minyan was started about two years ago (with a different name) by a handful of young-married-twenty-somethings who were looking for something different. In their own words:

Kehilas Ishei Yisrael is based fundamentally on a serious davening in a warm atmosphere - a kiddush Hashem with regard to bein adam l’makom and bein adam l’chaveiro. Kehilas Ishei Yisrael aims to daven together as a kehilah with kavanah in a quiet makom tefillah. Our primary interest is creating an environment where people feel welcome and have a sense of belonging; where people want to participate in creating an inspiring communal tefillah.

Our mission is to follow the advice of Shimon Hatzadik in the first perek of Pirkei Avos and center our efforts around three pillars: (1) Torah (2) Avodah and (3) Gemilas Chasadim. We strive to create a forum which will cultivate and nurture individuals' passion and excitement of Torah Judaism through (1) shiurim and chaburas for men and women (2) hartzig davening and (3) a warm kehilah/community of chesed and achdus.
This mission statement apparently resonated with many young people because the minyan grew way beyond anyone's expectations, from a very small chevra that met at various homes to a group of well over 100 that rented out a room in a local school. They have also hosted wonderful shiurim, melaveh malkas and other musical events.

For reasons that remain a mystery, and without warning or explanation, the minyan was shut down, their lease terminated and their bank account closed. After unsuccessfully trying to reverse these actions the kehilah decided to take matters into their own hands. Despite being homeless and penniless, they kept the kehilah together, raised some money (they can use a lot more), and found a new place.

This Shabbos they start again. Having weathered the storm, they will be stronger than ever. I wish them great success. In fact, I think their biggest problem will be that they will grow so quickly they will run out of room in their new home.


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