
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

More on Daf Yomi

Our younger son's entire high school is going to the Siyum Daf Hayomi this afternoon. Having attended the last one, I told him to take his Walkman but not to take any sharp objects. The only good things about the last one were mincha (it is an awesome experience hearing twenty-five thousand people answer "Yehai Shmai Rabbah...) and a couple of niggunim that rocked the Garden. The rest of it was a bunch of boring speeches, mostly in Yiddish.

I have mixed feelings about the school's attending the Siyum (not for the silly reasons expressed here (via DovBear)) but because if I was bored at age 42, how are 15-18 year-old boys going to react? On the other hand, perhaps the boys will get an appreciation for the dedication and commitment it takes to finish a Daf Yomi cycle (with all its shortcomings) and perhaps it is worth it for them just to experience the incredible davening.