
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How I Met and Married MHW. Part II: Seven Weeks.

Scene I. The Ask.

Now that I had established that I would be marrying MHW, I had to figure out how to get MHW to reach the same conclusion.

(In retropect, especially when viewing pictures of the two of us from that time: beautiful, petite, radiant MHW and goofy looking, balding, bug-eyed-glasses-wearing me, it's a wonder how I could have been so certain - I am telling you, there was not a doubt in my mind - that I could convince MHW to marry me).

Those who know me, know that I am not one to beat around the bush. I decided not to waste any time and to go right after her, guns blazing.

I called her the first evening after she got back from Grossingers. (MHW told me later that she was surprised that I called. Apparently my stalking her for three hours on the ice skating rink at Grossingers was so subtle that she did not realize I was hitting on her). After some small talk, I popped the question (No, not THAT question, at least not yet). "Would you like to go out on Saturday night?"

"Um...Sorry I'm busy this Saturday night"

*Sound of air coming out of balloon*

Next: Part II., Scene II: How MoC Recovers From His Shock and MHW Saves the Day.


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