
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The sound you hear is that of hundreds of lawyers in the City and around the country crying now that a certain litigation has been settled. This case (in which I was tangentially involved) and related cases has produced legal fees exceeding $100 million (perhaps many times that).

A retired business colleague of mine was recruited as an expert witness in one of the phases of the case. He called that gig "the gift that keeps on giving" and joked that he named his new boat "Enron".

The part of the case in which I was involved was actually quite fascinating and I, who had never, in almost 28 years of practicing law, had much at all to do with litigation, really enjoyed the experience. I dealt with some really sharp lawyers and I learned alot. Unfortunately, the case was settled while it was on appeal in connection with a very important legal ruling effecting my business. Now that issue will remain unresolved for now.

Ah, but the crying has suddenly stopped. I see a new stream of legal fees on the horizon.

This is what makes America a great country.



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