
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

J Blogging II. Can't Anyone Admit He's Wrong?

Back in June, I posted about how J blogging was all about aggression; facts meant little, perspective even less.

I wrote:

[T]here are many bloggers and commentators who do not let facts get in the way of their arguments. You have 19 year olds who have never so much as opened a Chassidishe sefer spending most of their time denegrading Chassidus; porn-meisters waxing on about everything Jewish; unmarried 20 year olds pontificating about raising Jewish children; Single cretins who probably haven't had a date in five years giving dating advice; Self-described whackos who scream and curse about the depravity of eating meat, and people like me, who don't know the difference between a minor key and a major, going on ad nauseum about Jewish Music.
It occurred to me the other day that another thing that J Bloggers seem loath to do is admit that they are wrong. This is not that surprising. Many J Bloggers are political. Many have specific areas of interest (music, Israel, sexual abuse, etc.). Consequently, they are, almost by definition, kanois (zealots) and would be expected to hold firm positions.

Nevertheless, even when confronted in the comments sections (or by facts) with overwhelming evidence to the contrary of their positions, they refuse to give in. Two recent examples (and PLEASE, don't comment on the merits of the positions; they are not the point here):

In a recent post, Jewishwhistleblower gratuitously linked Charles Kushner to HASC. I pointed out in a number of comments how disengenuous and gratuitous this was (not because I don't think each situation isn't important but because the so-called link was so tenuous and unproven). Nevertheless, rather than concede the point, she continued to dig in, even when it became ridiculous. Another example: Many of the left-leaning J Blogs ridiculed president Bush over the initial small US contribution to the Tsunami relief effort. It is amazing how silent they are now that the US, as expected (and as they should have anticipated), is leading the world's relief effort and is raising more money privately than most governments will be contributing. I'm not saying you have to vote Republican, but please, cut the guy some slack; your initial posts now look silly.

As I said, these are only two examples. I'm sure if I look back on my own blog I will find examples where I should have just thrown in the towel. It's a virtue to occasionally admit that you're wrong.


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