
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Friday, July 28, 2006

Is Floyd a Dope?

I will post on this topic after the "B" sample is analyzed. If it turns up showing a high level of testosterone, Floyd Landis will, in all likelihood, be disgraced and finished as a rider. It will also be disasterous for the Tour de France and professional cycling.

But what gets me, in the meantime, are the idiots on sports radio who don't know the difference between a 'double' and a 'triple', pontificating on the Tour de France. These are the same bufoons who, in sports that at least they purport to understand, argue that the Yankees should trade A-Rod (for whom? Joe Foy?). It is embarrassing.

While I'm on sports, what was Joe (the genius) Torre thinking when he sent Melke Cabrera up to bunt the other night. Yankees are down by a run in the top of the eight, have first and second, nobody out. Bunting in that situation is always wrong, but with their decimated lineup, Cabrera is the best remaining hitter in the lineup (really, the only decent hitter left; the hitters following him are Triple A/replacement level hiiters). Luckily for the genious manager, Cabrera is a lame bunter and his two attempts at bunting are pathetic fouls. He then proceeds to hit a double in the gap making his manager smell like a rose.


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