
The rambling thoughts of a Modern Orthodox Chassid (whatever that means). Contact me at emansouth @

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Back in Internet Land

For the first time in a week, I have access to the internet. It has been a crazy week; one of the craziest that I've had in a very long time. Besides losing a day and then getting half of it back, I've spent 35 hours on airplanes. I spent 40 hours in Tokyo, 30 in Hong Kong, 4 days in Israel and now I am in London for 2 days. I am usually a very good traveller but I was never more messed up, sleep-wise, than I was in Tokyo and Hong Kong. Watched a lot of World Cup at 3 a.m.

My thoughts on Tokyo. Hot and humid and a lot of cigarette smoke. My thoughts on Hong Kong. Hotter and more humid but much nicer.

The good news is that I got to ride a bike in the Jerusalem hills for three mornings; the bad news is that the bike was ill fitting and I wrenched my lower back. I also made a lot of progress on my CD project, spending two days in the studio with Chaim Dovid and Shlomo Katz and a few very talented session musicians. We are almost done.

I have a lot to write about but I have to prepare for a bunch of meetings that start soon.



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